– Can deep sedation be used to hasten death? If so, how? Studies in the literature suggest that this treatment is applied to 20% of dying people, normally when death is already imminent. Therefore, this is the only aim, which has as a consequence, the loss of consciousness without hastening death, which will arrive naturally. The good objective worthy of protection is the duty to relieve the pain of the suffering person. When the standard treatments (morphine, cortisone, anti-anxiety medication) are no longer enough to relieve the symptom and the distress it causes, sedation should be proposed to the patient. I’ll give you another example: shortness of breath creates enormous distress in patients. – A serious refractory symptom that generates intolerable suffering in the opinion of the dying person. – If consciousness is a fundamental property of the person, what other objective good worthy of protection justifies the possibility of killing them?

It is even ethically wrong, because consciousness is an essential property of the person, at the end of life as well, a time at which many people show fear of dying but wish to be able to keep contact with the life they have left and with their loved ones. Deep sedation is necessary only when there is an intolerable symptom that does not respond to even the best palliative therapies. – There are guidelines published by the Italian society of Palliative Care which state that the patient must be informed and their consent obtained. – How do you assess the use of deep sedation when it is not necessary to control the symptom? The symptoms are intolerable when the patient can no longer bear them despite the best therapeutic attempts to relieve them. In my experience, though, this type of sedation is almost always administered in the last hours of life. – The literature refers to an interval ranging from one to thirteen days from the start of sedation until death. from the time at which the disease symptoms become intolerable and uncontrollable? When the suffering symptom is really refractory (resistant), it is time to start permanent sedation in which consciousness is continuously removed until natural death. However, if the symptom is really refractory (resistant), it is advisable to start permanent sedation in which consciousness is continuously removed until natural death. When they wake up, the symptom is more tolerable. The first is performed when, for example, at a certain time of the day, one of the patient’s disease symptoms is very intense and cannot be controlled with drugs in this case, the patient is asked if they want to sleep, at least for the night or for a few hours during the day.

It can be temporary or continued, partial or complete, i.e. It is a treatment that consists of reducing or removing a patient’s consciousness, with their consent, when the best available care can no longer relieve their suffering. – We generally refer to palliative sedation. Euthanasia and assisted suicide’s clay feet