
Tumbleweed gif cartoon
Tumbleweed gif cartoon

tumbleweed gif cartoon

Snookie is Snake-Eye's little brother.He only hires Tumbleweeds when he is desperate. Dusty Dewlap is a local cattle rancher.Percy is a sardonic newsboy and copyboy for the Denouncer.Grover Galley is the crack-brained editor (he got struck with a printing press's composing stick, which "scattered his type") of the Desert Denouncer newspaper.Blackie is Grimy Gulch's saloon keeper.Wart Wimble is a grave-digger who works for Clay his motto is, "With Wart at the spade, you've got it made rest assured, you're well interred.".Claude Clay is Grimy Gulch's undertaker, whose motto is, "You plug 'em, I plant 'em.".Pajamas, the world's laziest dog, is Echo's pet.Cute and precocious, she knows how to use those qualities when necessary. She once tried to persuade Knuckles that they could live in "connubial bliss," and he responds that he likes it just fine living in Grimy Gulch. Hildegard Hamhocker, the town's only known woman, is drawn as a stereotypical homely old maid, trying to snag Tumbleweeds as a husband.Quiet Burp is a diminutive lawman from Texas-only slightly bigger than "Screaming Flea." (His name, a play on Wyatt Earp, is a character name also used in the comic strip Rick O'Shay.).He does not carry a gun he has a yo yo instead. Deputy Knuckles is the reason the Sheriff is so short-handed.The Sheriff, a man with a ridiculous handlebar Moustache, is the short-handed "long arm of the law.".He claims that he cannot be bought however, he is susceptible to "rental fees." Another time when he accidentally broke his lost glasses, he suspended a life sentence on the culprit- himself. He once bought himself an 18th-century English judge's wig. A pompous windbag who became a Justice of the Peace from a Diploma mill, his ambition is to become a member of the US Supreme Court. Judge Horatio Curmudgeon Frump is the magistrate/mayor of Grimy Gulch.Ace, a professional gambler, Tumbleweeds's best pal and a real smooth operator.cavalry horse but drummed out of the service for spitting tobacco juice on a superior. Epic, Tumbleweed's toothless, alcoholic, plug-chewing, sway-backed horse once a U.S.Blossom, Tumbleweed's first horse usually found asleep.(His worst nightmare is to be caught by, and married to, Hildegard Hamhocker.) Like his namesake, he is content to tumble wherever human foibles may carry him. Tumbleweeds, the main character, is a laconic cowpoke who would rather be anywhere else, but has no real ambition to do anything.Other locations include the nearby village of the Poohawk tribe of Native Americans, and the US Army outpost Fort Ridiculous, manned by the 6 7/8 Cavalry.

tumbleweed gif cartoon

Tumbleweeds is set in and around the town of Grimy Gulch, whose population was stated at 49 (later it was marked out and added to 50), in an unspecified Western territory.

Tumbleweed gif cartoon